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Our Executive Team

Aparna Chaudhari

Professional Experience

Aparna has 12 years of experience in child development, child rights and protection, child education field with managerial and program leadership responsibilities. She worked with organizations like ChildLine, Campaign Against Child Labour, and Kaivalya Education Foundation.

Academic Background

Foundational Thought

Aparna believes that surrounding makes a huge impact on children’s learning and their overall personality, therefore it is our responsibility as caretaker, teacher, parents to enrich their environment with lots of resources to help children become a good human being.

Sachin Mohite

Professional Experience

Sachin has 13 years of experience in educational research, monitoring & evaluation, large-scale program design & implementation with leadership responsibilities in Non-profits and corporates. He has worked with organizations like Muttha Foundation, SAP, Reliance Games and also contributed to educational start-ups like Learning Yogi.

Academic Background

Foundational Thought

Sachin believes that strong, motivated and trained organizational leadership is required to see the community-led large-scale educational change and sustain it post- intervention.

Our Success

State-Level Consultation on Early Childhood Education

SpacECE organised a Get-Together with more than 50 ECE experts from all over Maharashtra. It set the tone for serious efforts in the ECE domain.  Ms Madhuri Sahasrabudhe (Councillor, PMC), Dr Suneeta Kulkarni (Granny Cloud), Mr Chittaranjan Kaul (CLR), Mr Nilesh Nimkar (QUEST), Ms Sushma Padhye (Grammangal), Ms Shubhada Joshi (Khelghar), and Dr Godbole (Chiranjiv Clinic) were amongst them.

SPACE Talks Series on Early Childhood Education

We are glad to share that the 'MS Talk Series on ECE' was inaugurated by Dr Mr Mrs Godbole with the topic 'Enhancing Potential during Early years'. It was great to see an overwhelming response from 900 participants from all over Maharashtra, which included parents, pre-school teachers, Anandwadi Workers/Sevikas and NGO professionals. It highlighted the need to continue organizing similar events in the near future. 

Video Gallery with 1000+ Children's videos

SpacECE has a youtube Channel with various educational material. All videos of the online sessions are made available through the video gallery in the online and offline mode. One of the significant contributions is a video gallery on Children (0-8yrs) coming from the Indian context. We are inviting parents to upload content on a restricted channel, which will be utilized by University departments specializing in ECE for research purpose. 

"Did you know?" Campaign
