SPACE is the acronym of Social, Physical, Aesthetic, Cognitive and Emotional, which are various crucial child development aspect. Additionally, to communicate our focus on Educational component and children between the 0-8years, we use suffix Early Childhood Education.
‘SPACE for ECE’ is another entrepreneurial effort to consolidate our decade long experience acquired while working with the non-profits, informal learning centres and clients. One of the significant contributions is the Home-as-a-Learning-SPACE (link: Facebook), where the home itself is utilized for the learning purpose.
SPACE is offering services and products for enhancing the learning spaces at play-groups, kindergarten, and learning-centres. On-demand of enthusiastic SPACE–PARENTS community, SPACE - Educational Kits are designed to make learning fun. SPACE – TALKS are conducted periodically which organizes knowledge sharing sessions by experts. It has developed a virtual community-of-practitioners which gather every week to conduct free-form discussions on various aspects of child development. It has become a medium of Continuous Professional Development for Early childhood Education educators.